Doctorate of Philosophy in Theology
Tuition: $5,500 plus $60.00 application fee
Prerequisite: Doctor of Biblical Studies Degree- Theology, Divinity, Christian Biblical Counseling
or Education Degrees
Graduation Requirement: Very Important A 55,000 word thesis/ dissertation is required for
this degree, typed and mailed to NCBI, P.O. Box 865, Carolina Beach, NC 28428, no later than
the deadline provided upon acceptance. This is mandatory. Without this thesis/ dissertation,
you will not receive your degree.
Dissertation Topic Options: NCBI can provide the student with a topic to complete the
program requirements or student can write a brief summary of a topic of their choosing and
that will be reviewed by the NCBI Dissertation Board for approval.
Student Nondiscrimination Policy
The North Carolina Bible Institute admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin with all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of NCBI. The North Carolina Bible Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its policies, loan programs or other school administered programs.